
The end of February Vacation

It's almost over, but the knitting has been flying. I've been watching the Olympics every night and knitting along with the watching--which can be a trick! I'm nearing the end of the cardigan for Carly's wedding. It has been an amazingly fast knit, but I should have realized that size 9 needles and lace would translate to a quick knit. Of course, last night I totally messed up the decreases on both sides of the front--read 4 for 3 for the number of decreases at the neck edge. So, ripping out both sides--oh well. Here's a photo of the back a few days ago:

I'm planning to knit this afternoon, since we are babysitting this evening and there won't be time to knit. I am pleased so far. I really like the yarn--much nicer than most cotton yarn. It has a warm feel to it. Too bad that it's discontinued.


February vacation

What a lovely week! I've started a cardigan to wear to Carly's wedding in April. I'm using the yarn suggested--Tahki Sky which happened to be on close out at Webs! That's a good thing about making up a pattern that is a few years old. The yarn is lovely--a soft cotton, organic yarn that is a pleasure to use.

The pattern is just challenging enough to be interesting. I kind of go back and forth in my knitting between ridiculously easy to much more challenging. The Renaissance pullover--which I am just now finishing--was really easy to almost boring. The three stitches in this cardigan are much more interesting. I've done the three bottom parts--wanting to knit all the parts that required a particular stitch. They were all knit side-ways. Last night I picked up the stitches on the back and am knitting upwards in a stitch that looks like crochet when you're done with one repeat. I'm planning to wear this over something black with black pants. The intended event is the Rehearsal dinner.

Of course a lot of this knitting is going on while I watch the Olympics. We've been taping the late night events and then I watch it in the early evening before that day's events begin. I told Ken after the Opening Ceremonies, that for the next Olympics in two years I want a big screen TV!